Bad Kitty Petting Instructions. How to pet a bad Kitty.


Bad Kitty Petting Instructions. How to pet a bad Kitty. Rule #1. Pet cat only when cat says its okay. Rule #2 Feed cat 900 times a day otherwise fingers look like french fries. rule #3 No Sudden moves

Arrows pointing on cat say Petting back is okay unless cat says, “No” and “No” means “NO” Petting Cheeks is okay but watch out for fangs. Petting behind ears are okay unless ears are twitching. Don’t pet feet unless you want to lose a limb. Enter at your own risk arrow pointing at the belly. Note at bottom says, If the cat is being “A grumpy old cat” get out a cat toy. Otherwise cat will use you as a scratching post.

This is one piece that has definitely hit a nerve in more ways then one.

People seem to identify with this piece at a very intimate level.

There is something tragicly comical about a cat that wants you to pet his belly then decides that’s enough and sticks his claws in you.

I hope to make this into an animation piece one of these days.


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Bad Kitty Petting Instructions. How to pet a bad Kitty. Rule #1. Pet cat only when cat says its okay. Rule #2 Feed cat 900 times a day otherwise fingers look like french fries. rule #3 No Sudden moves

Arrows pointing on cat say Petting back is okay unless cat says, “No” and “No” means “NO” Petting Cheeks is okay but watch out for fangs. Petting behind ears are okay unless ears are twitching. Don’t pet feet unless you want to lose a limb. Enter at your own risk arrow pointing at the belly. Note at bottom says, If the cat is being “A grumpy old cat” get out a cat toy. Otherwise cat will use you as a scratching post.

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