Mark Bible Study

From an online bible study of Mark I am doing. I had to do a deeper dive on this the pouring out of perfume oil on Jesus before his death. So I hope it’s okay to post on the prior lesson. Reading about the pouring out of oil made me think I need to slow down a little and just absorb what it means to be poured out.
How time is often more important than money. Jesus’s ministry was only three spectacular years.
It made me think of time I was with some friends at the tulip fields in Skagit Valley. And the tulips had just been cut a few days prior. As we looked out on the fields disappointingly I asked. “What does this mean theologically?” Someone said, “It is like getting to Jerusalem after Jesus is gone.” I had to agree with amazement. It turned the whole disappointing day into a bible lesson.
On a solemn note. I remember one Mother’s Day I was in a park overlooking the ocean. On a bench was a basket of flowers and a ballon that said “Mom” on it. Someone “wasted” a bunch of money on a gift that their mother will never see. (Not wasted) I have been haunted by that ever since.
On being poured out. I slowed down to and listened to a bible scholar friends recommended commentator N.T. Wright speech on “The Christ I Never Knew” and it was stunning. He commented Jesus shows us the “new Exodus”. He wasn’t what the Jews were expecting in a king. And to the effect that “Sports commentators might lament about a game outcome. But they don’t lie about the score.”
He adds “Jesus wounds us and heals us. He warns us. And welcomes us.” So much beauty it made me teary eyed.
Then I went and helped my ” shut in/coccooned” friend with her yard. And invited her to church.
Then an outreach to homeless and while playing guitar with homeless people wrote two new prophetic songs.
The second guy was so talented in or prophetic worship. I him took to my house and gave him a guitar. He said “Its so nice of you to take me into your house” And he started weeping. That happened again later after he played a few songs. I gave him a ride to the bus. He had just gotten housing. Nice way to end the day. Someone weeping over your spending time with them. Tears of joy can be like the perfume oil poured out.

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